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1. What is Angular?
2. Setup and Installation
3. How to check Node and NPM is Install or not using cmd.
4. How to install Angular CLI
5. How to create first angular project 
6.File and folder structure 
7. What is interpolation?
8. Angular error ng ng.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. 
9. Angular CLI & important Commands. 
10. How to create angular project build 
11.What is component in Angular? 
12. what is module? 
13. Make and call function 
14.  Important Events 
15.Get Input Box value and Display 

16.Basic Angular Form 

17 Send Data parent to child component.

18. Start With Routing----

19 What is service and why we need it?

20. Make a Service and use in multiple files.


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